Sunday, May 03, 2009

We registered!

I'm so thankful that when I was getting married and had to register, I had the full and complete help of my good friend, Jenny Ford. We went between Bed Bath and Beyond, Potterybarn and Williams Sonoma, scanning everything from dishes to bed sheets. If I had NOT had her help, we would be sleeping and eating MUCH less stylish.
Registering for a BABY was a much different experience. There were literally hundreds of items that lists would say we needed. Between the lists and opinions of moms who sometimes agree on what you need and sometimes don't, let's just say I guess I'll find out when this baby gets here what it REALLY needs and doesn't need. I'm glad it's over and hope we covered our bases....we'll see!


Gloria Furman said...

Where are you registered?

Jennilee said...

It is totally overwhelming, isn't it? Then there's this guilt factor like... "oh gosh... am I a terrible mother if I use cold wipes on my baby's buns instead of registering for a wipes warmer?" and other such ridiculousness. (btw - I think that the best mothers in the world use non-electrically-warmed wipes. that is what our mothers did, you know :))